Philosophy for LNT Property Group
I set up LNT Property Group to be the managing agent for my own residential property portfolio because I wanted an exceptional
service aimed at maximising my total portfolio returns rather than just collecting the rents.
LNT Prpoperty Group now provides the same approach to our Landlord clients and still manages
all my private property. If you become a customer of LNT Property Group I promise we will manage your properties with
the same care as my own.
LNT Property Group is always on the lookout for value whether this is in capital or rental returns and whilst we
have chosen Liverpool as our centre of operation we will occasionally look further afield if we think the value is there.
LNT is not an estate agent, a valuer or an auctioneer. We are buyers and managers of property portfolios either on
our own or in partnership with our established clients.
We are aware that many landlords in the buy to let market have a "proper job" as well so we aim
to take the work out of buy to let. We will manage every aspect of your activity from finding and overseeing the purchase
of property to ensuring rents are collected and maximum possible occupancy is achieved.
There are a number of competent property management companies in Liverpool. However we know of
no other that is so committed to helping it's clients to maximise their total return by focussing exclusively on acquisition,
trading of residential properties and the maximisation of rental returns.
I hope we may welcome you as a customer and our General Manager, or myself would be happy to speak to you at any